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OrientCare is committed to provide its valued customers the ultimate care and comfort through its range of technologically advanced and innovative consumer electronics. The core of our product development philosophy is based on detailed research and consumer insights to offer enhanced lifestyle and peace of mind at every aspect of product usage.
OrientCare having a global perspective, offers durable, cost effective and energy efficient products to a range of audiences and markets. These products are duly certified and tested conforming to quality standards as required in every region and market.
OrientCare is synonymous with technologically advanced products which are duly certified and tested adhering to quality
and performance parameters defined by respective markets.
Technologically advanced products are meticulously designed to offer a perfect blend of performance and intelligence.
Its smart app control ensures a new and innovative level of convenience, making life easier.
OrientCare offers three types of air-conditioning solutions; Mini Split Inverter Heat Pumps, Air Handler Units inverter Heat Pumps,
and Multi-zone Inverter Heat Pumps, offering a range of innovative features and technologies.
With OrientCare, you can trust your choice that not only aligns with your needs, but is also backed by a reliable
and efficient aftersales services and availability of parts required.
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